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An alternative CAD software to AutoCAD with BIM and Cloud

dic 02, 2020

Graebert neXt Event: December begins with the news from Graebert, included in his next version of ARES Commander 2022.

Today we have been able to know the news of ARES Commander 2022. The online event that has been published today, December 1 from Berlin, has served to know the news of the next version.

For just over 30 minutes, we have known an important group of news that involves areas such as documentation, teamwork, work in the cloud, intelligent annotation and BIM tools, among others.

The event began with a presentation by Mr. Wilfried Gräbert, founder and CEO of the company, who gave us a brief overview of the beginning of the company he founded in 1977 and how it has grown over the years, even increasing its staff. in the midst of a global pandemic. Also highlighting the values of Graebert when making decisions, making a quick summary of the great points of Graebert in the last year at the business level and the great advances in Korea, Japan and India, in addition to the most common markets for the company .

Cédric Desbordes, Marketing Director of Graebert, made his appearance at the event showing the schedule of activities and highlighting that the beta of ARES Commander 2022 is now available to the public. At the same time, the special event in April where the definitive launch of the version will be made.

Cédric also highlighted how easy the ARES Commander graphical interface is, due to its familiar appearance, although I can say that with unique modern touches. A complete collection of 2D and 3D tools that allow you to create any type of drawing without having to make a large financial investment, since for 250 euros per year, the user accesses ARES Commander, all updates for one year, including ARES Touch and ARES Kudo, the versions for mobiles, tablets and the Graebert cloud.

In turn, he explained to us the jump of the version, since we came from the 2020 version, and we have jumped to the 2022 version. The reason is simply to unify criteria and make it easier for users when they end up comparing with other products. manufacturers.

Then Andre Neumann, who supervises the development of the ARES Core, made his appearance, and has shown on different occasions (during the video) some of the most relevant points of the new version 2022.

Undoubtedly the possibilities offered by "Sheet Sets Manager" together with intelligent BIM tools among other incredible functions allow us to ensure that we are facing the best version of ARES Commander with a great leap in all areas. Even now also in the Mac version.

About "Sheet Sets Manager" Andre has shown us how the intelligent relationship works for the organization of sheets and how these allow creating associated texts, which can be included as viewport titles, until filling sheets of the paper space, also integrated in different types of annotations .

ARES Commander presents a new print dialog box, which allows to improve the user experience, seeking to be an increasingly productive tool.

What workspace do you prefer? Each user has their own needs, or tastes for one or another design. ARES Commander 2022 offers the possibility to choose between several pre-configured options but also, of course, the possibility to customize it.

Even now you can also change the background color of the screen thanks to a new command offered by ARES Commander 2022 and that you can see in the document of news to download at the end of this article.

"Version History palette" a new tool that allows you to compare 2 versions of the same project and find out what the differences are between them, saving hours of effort for a user, allowing ARES intelligence to carry out the work for him in seconds.

In 2014, at the Berlin novelties presentation that I had the pleasure to witness, Graebert showed ARES Touch to implement collaboration between desktop users and the cloud. Over time, ARES Kudo appeared, who came to shape the Trinity concept, in which the 3 products allow work in a total and own workflow, which even allows collaboration between different people in the team, customers and suppliers.

With the 2022 release, Graebert's products are turning more to the cloud, now offering a range of incredible solutions that lead over their more direct competition. Although the pandemic made it fashionable to work in the cloud and seek communication solutions and tools to work online, Graebert has been working on this for more than five years, and for now continues to lead in this regard as well. This year, with the presentation of new tools that allow greater and better synchronization of drawings, even controlling who can edit them, strengthening communication and collaboration mechanisms, with comments on texts, images and voice, and even the possibility of transcribing messages voice.

Robert Gräbert, CTO of the company, emphasized the workflow in the cloud, and the different services with which ARES Commander integrates, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, SharePoint, AWS, NextCloud, DAV, ARES Kudo Drive, Onshape, Hancom and Trimble Connect; either for cloud storage, or even the ability to run ARES Kudo (Graebert's CAD solution for browsers) on dedicated servers.

We have even known the user case of the LG company and how their requirements were solved, among other successful and complex cases. In addition to other Korean companies such as Samsung and Hancom. The latter, less known in the West, but which in Korea leads the office automation solutions in the cloud, being a pioneer in it. Before even Google.

Another case is Trimble Connect, which allows you to be part of the workflow offered by Graebert through Trinity, that is, the combination of its ARES Commander, ARES Touch and ARES Kudo products.

One of the news that Robert Gräbert has surprised is that ARES Kudo Drive (Graebert's cloud storage) will be part of ARES Trinity, fully complementing the solutions and allowing customers not to need third parties to store their files on the cloud and work connected from anywhere.

With all this, the ARES Trinity collaboration options are increased, highlighting the points that appear in the following image and always for the same price.

In the video, we could see Hanka Klose, who is a CAD consultant and is in charge of training new clients, who showed us how ARES Kudo works, now allowing to open projects with ARES Commander, in the same way as before, ARES allowed Commander open projects from ARES Kudo. Bidirectionality is also part of the ARES Trinity workflow, where the important thing is to be able to work on our project regardless of the operating system or the platform used.

Hanka has shown us how the tools to add comments work and how you can interact with them from different platforms. Connecting users around a specific point in the drawing. Thanks to these tools, the drawing ends up being the center of the project as a container of technical information that allows its construction, but also of the daily issues and problems that need special attention. Graebert, therefore, thanks to its range of specific programs, allows us to make what is important, and the center of our attention, our project.

After a new appearance by Robert Gräbert, he focused on showing us the BIM tools offered by ARES Commander 2022. Although the ARES Commander BIM tools made their appearance in the 2020 version, they have taken a great qualitative leap, increasing their possibilities and improving its benefits significantly.

As Robert said, BIM is an ocean of information around a building. It doesn't matter if ArchiCAD, Allplan, or even Revit have been used to create a BIM project. It will simply be full of information regarding the elements that make up the building. Any BIM user knows that when we talk about data, we are not talking only about numerical data such as the dimensions of a door, or even the width of a wall, or the surface of a room or cubic meters. Rather, it is about knowing the materials, who is the supplier, where are the invoices, the guarantee, and a long etc.

The 3D model of a BIM project is a container for information. As I like to say, BIM is a database shaped like a building. But one of the most basic things that is asked of a BIM model is the ability to generate drawings from that model. That is, elevation views, section, plants, etc. Drawing is the universal way to represent a project, and that drawing focuses on 2D expressions.

ARES Commander 2022, allows you to import a BIM model in IFC or RVT formats (from Revit) to obtain data from it (alphanumeric data that can be extracted to internal tables or connected with programs such as Excel, for example) or to obtain related 2D drawings. Thus, with just a few clicks, a CAD user (who has never used a BIM program) will be able to obtain plans, sections and elevations almost effortlessly. It is ARES Commander who draws for him.

In this sense, Andre Neumann made another appearance during the video of the Graebert neXt event to show the BIM tools of ARES Commander in action. Just great work.

The following image shows the different BIM tools of the last 2 versions of ARES Commander, perhaps highlighting that some existing tools from the previous version have even been improved.


Por Milton Chanes 14 jun, 2021
En este vídeo de Gräbert se pueden conocer algunas funciones CAD avanzadas de ARES Commander. El vídeo comienza con bloques dinámicos y restricciones, luego analiza los patrones (Pattern en ARES Commander) cuyo nombre en AutoCAD es Matriz (Array). Un tercer tema será la extracción de datos y cómo trabajar con Excel. También aprenderá acerca de la comparación de dibujos y por último acerca de las funciones de modelado 3D de sólidos. ARES Commander es mucho más que una aplicación de software CAD rentable para la edición DWG, ya que permite mejorar su productividad con funciones inteligentes y un concepto único llamado: The Trinity of CAD ™. El software ARES Trinity of CAD combina lo mejor de lo que cada plataforma tiene para ofrecer: escritorio, móvil y nube se combinan en una experiencia de usuario única que genera altas sinergias en todos sus dispositivos.
Por Milton Chanes 30 abr, 2021
Aproveche la inteligencia del BIM para automatizar la producción de dibujos CAD en formato DWG ¿Es verdad que todo el mundo utiliza Revit en un proyecto de Arquitectura? No, no es verdad. ¿Es verdad que todos aquellos que no usan Revit en sus proyectos de arquitectura o ingeniería, utilizan otros programas como Allplan , ArchiCAD , Edificius ? No, tampoco es verdad. Si bien el BIM ha iniciado una expansión nunca vista desde el 2010 en adelante, también es cierto que ya existía con anterioridad pero no dejaba de estar en un entorno cerrado. La expansión real apareció con Revit, que se convirtió en el estandarte del BIM en muchos países, especialmente en los de habla hispana. Eso no lo duda nadie. Ahora, eso no significa que el CAD haya muerto, ni mucho menos. De hecho, el CAD en formato DWG sigue siendo la primer opción a la hora de realizar proyectos habituales. Es lógico, la mayoría de estudios de arquitectura e ingeniería consolidados llevan 20 o 30 años trabajando con CAD, así que el cambio al BIM se va produciendo en etapas, conviviendo personas que trabajan en BIM y otros que terminan los proyectos en CAD. Esto ocurre ahora mismo en España, Uruguay, Argentina, así como en Italia, Albania, Hungría. Muchos, de los que sí están usando programas BIM, de alguna manera u otra trabajan o tienen que convivir con dibujos en DWG. ¿Los motivos? muchos. A veces porque es la mejor manera que tiene de compartir el proyecto con otros, ya sean de cálculo de estructura, topografía, etc. Así existen dos grandes formatos relacionados con el universo BIM como es el RVT (de Revit) y el IFC (formato internacional de varios programas). A su vez, la cantidad y complejidad de la información técnica en los proyectos de construcción está aumentando con el desarrollo del 3D, además de la información BIM y simulación que se incorporan en los proyectos. En este contexto los dibujos CAD en formato DWG se utilizan, o se pueden utilizar, para documentar estos proyectos con un mayor nivel de detalle, e incluso mejorar el enfoque en vistas y entidades específicas. ¿Por qué no? Hay gente que trabaja así, pero sin una herramientas específica para ello. Por lo tanto, el flujo de trabajo AEC de hoy día implica poder combinar información BIM con CAD y viceversa. Quizás lo más curioso es que el programa CAD DWG que permite trabajar con archivos RVT no sea AutoCAD, sino que sea ARES Commander, de Graebert. Con ARES Commander puede importar y ver archivos de Revit e IFC, pero lo más interesante es que puede extraer dibujos 2D de ellos, extraer la información BIM en tablas y dibujar detalles constructivos adicionales sobre la geometría adquirida del proyecto BIM, con las herramientas habituales de un CAD DWG, es decir utilizando línea, polilíneas, capas, equidistancia, copiar, mover, etc. Consiguiendo así un dibujo de formato DWG que contiene, dentro, información BIM quien proviene de modelos RVT e IFC, incluso combinando ambos.
Por Milton Chanes 29 abr, 2021
En este video de Renga Software se puede ver un edificio de características singulares, cómo es el "Wedding Palace" en Brobov, Rusia con una arquitectura "neoclásica" muy común en ciertos edificios de Rusia. A la misma vez que podemos observar el desarrollo del modelo BIM a través de Renga. Un software muy potente, que avanza rápidamente y que poco a poco se va conociendo en países de Europa.
Por Milton Chanes 28 mar, 2021
Some time ago I came across a Russian BIM software called Renga, which I have been trying in my spare time to try to find its pros and cons. I must admit that at first glance he managed to catch me. Its interface is very simple, with basic and intuitive tools. Following some of the videos they offer on their website, I was able to quickly start working with the program. Right away I was able to discover the things that make it different from other BIM programs and value it positively. I am convinced that it is a software that could grow exponentially with the right allies. It focuses on the three-dimensional drawing from which 2D views are obtained. The way you work reminds me more of Sketchup than Revit. Simple tools, quick to assimilate, perfect for those who are dedicated to architecture. A little over 15 years ago, when I started to tell you about Revit, I had to compare its functions with what people knew about AutoCAD at the time. Today Revit is a reality, and even other programs as important as AllPlan, ArchiCAD are part of the portfolio of BIM options for users. However, the biggest complaint about Revit is that it is getting stuck in time. Although it is a spectacular program, it certainly fits, the truth is that the news that appears each year does not usually live up to what is expected of the program that has changed everything. It seems that I no longer have things to improve, something that obviously is not the case. When this happens, other manufacturers take advantage of the loophole to create new solutions, from different points of view. It does not mean that they are better, but that they open the spectrum of solutions and could serve to inspire others. Many manufacturers are seeing how to adapt to BIM, either by creating tools that allow CAD and BIM to be joined, or by working directly on a BIM architecture. Archline for example, created in Hungary, is exceptional BIM software. Much more like Revit, but with even better or more evolved areas. For example, the section of stairs and annotations. But we will talk about this program in another article.
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"El BIM es una base de datos con forma de edificio".

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